Saturday, December 22, 2007


Amazing what boredom does to you...

Lethargy coupled with boredom is my cyanide...

On a good day I can get through volumes of reading material and feel like I brushed up on my kindergarten rhymes...

On a good day I can get through mounds of material to be typewritten and feel like I played a soothing game of minesweeper...

On a good day, I'm cheerful.

This is not a good day. Not only am I bored beyond comprehension, I had to resort to the time-tested scrawl method to get it out of my system. I just started off with a random word (College, in this case) and got quite an amazing chain of words.
Scrawling is putting any word onto a piece of paper and jotting down every word that comes to your mind next. People say it's useless, I disagree. Try it out someday, epiphanies strike when your mind is laid out before you...

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